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Seamless Accredo Integration for B2B and B2C Webstores


What is Accredo Integration?

Accredo Integration refers to the process of connecting the Accredo accounting software with other systems and applications to streamline data flow and enhance business operations. Accredo is an accounting and business management software primarily used by small to medium-sized enterprises.



Unlock Your Business's Growth Potential with Web Ninja Limited's Accredo Integration

Unlock your business's growth potential with our Accredo Integration. We seamlessly connect your Accredo accounting software with various systems, ensuring consistent data synchronisation and automated workflows. 


Our solution allows easy integration with e-commerce platforms tailored to your specific needs. Experience real-time reporting and comprehensive support to optimise your business operations and drive growth.



How Web Ninja Limited Accredo eCommerce Integration Works?



Our Accredo eCommerce Integration seamlessly syncs your product information, inventory levels, and pricing between Accredo and your eCommerce platform. When customers place orders online, the details are instantly transferred to Accredo for automatic processing. Real-time inventory updates prevent overselling and maintain accurate stock counts. Additionally, customer data is synchronised, enhancing your ability to manage relationships and personalise marketing efforts.



Standard Features for Accredo Data Integration

  • Colour/size integration
  • Free/Physical/Total stock
  • Stock locations
  • Weight/cubic
  • Categories by stock group or extra fields
  • Minimum/Multiple order enforcement
  • Custom/Extra field mapping
  • Use images if available
  • Link PDF brochures and MSDS sheets to products
  • Minimum order quantities per product
  • Sales orders linked back to debtors
  • Consignment/freight tracking email automation
  • Customer upload
  • Stop credits
  • Payment terms
  • Sales Rep login/order on behalf
  • Quick pick order list based on the last 90 days
  • Invoices
  • Credit notes
  • Backorders
  • Invoice payments
  • PO delivery dates on incoming stock
  • Full pricing policy integration including quantity breaks



Custom Options for Accredo Accounting Data Integration

Enhance your user experience with these advanced custom options.  


  • Advanced shipping (freight zones by cubic/pallet)
  • Customer permissions 
  • Quote module
  • Notify customers when products back in stock
  • Stockist lookup page.


* Custom options will incur additional fees and will be priced on case-by-case basis.



Why Choose Web Ninja Limited Accredo Accounting System Integration?

Choose Web Ninja Limited for your Accredo Accounting System Integration because we offer seamless data synchronisation, automated workflows, and real-time updates that enhance efficiency and accuracy across your business operations. 


Our integration connects Accredo with your eCommerce platforms, CRM systems, and other applications, creating a unified ecosystem that reduces manual data entry and minimises errors. We provide customised solutions tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring scalability and flexibility as you grow. With our reliable support and expertise in accounting integrations, you can optimise your processes and focus on driving your business forward.



Frequently Asked Questions about Web Ninja Limited Accredo Accounting Software Integration


What is Web Ninja Limited Accredo Accounting Software Integration?

Web Ninja Limited Accredo Accounting Software Integration seamlessly connects Accredo with various business systems like eCommerce platforms, CRM systems, and other applications, ensuring efficient data synchronisation and automated workflows.


What are the benefits of using Web Ninja Limited's integration solution?

Benefits include real-time data synchronisation, automated order processing, accurate inventory management, enhanced customer data integration, and comprehensive reporting, all of which streamline operations and improve overall business efficiency.


Is there support available during and after the integration?

Absolutely. Web Ninja Limited provides dedicated support throughout the integration process and continues to offer assistance post-integration to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

Ready to make the leap?

Contact us now to get started on your eCommerce transformation


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